Coping while caring for someone else

Are you a carer?
You are a carer if you provide any kind of unpaid support or care to someone who is unwell or disabled. This includes people with mental health problems. You don't have to get paid to count as a carer. You could be a carer for a friend or family member.
Recognising difficult feelings
Caring for someone else can affect your mental health and make it harder to stay well. You may experience some difficult feelings.
Learn about difficult feelings
Tips to look after yourself
Caring for someone else can take a lot of time and energy. But it's important to look after your own wellbeing when you can.
Getting support as a carer
There are many ways to find support as a carer. Find out about support for your mental health, as well as practical help and local support.
Caring for someone with a mental health problem
If you provide care for someone in any way, the information above may be helpful and relevant to you. However, there may be different challenges when caring for someone with a mental health problem. We explain where to find further information and advice below.
Coping with additional challenges
If you care for someone with a mental health problem, you may face additional challenges. We explain some of these and offer tips that may help.
Specific mental health problems
Whether or not you consider yourself a carer, you might be supporting someone close to you with their mental health. Get tips for family and friends which are relevant to specific mental health problems.
Your social care rights
We explain your legal rights, including the carer's assessment. This information is for adult carers of someone experiencing a mental health problem.
Support organisations for carers
Whether the person you care for is experiencing a physical or a mental health problem, there is support available for you as a carer. We have a full list of support options for different needs.
See useful contacts for carers
For advice now:
- Visit Carers UK, or call their helpline on 0808 808 7777 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 6pm).
- Visit Carers Trust, where you can use their support finder to find carer services near you.
Support for young carers
If you're a young person caring for someone, see Mind's support for young carers and list of for useful contacts for young carers.
You might also find it useful to visit the mental health information hub for children and young people.
For advice now:
- You can phone The Mix on 0808 808 4994 or use their live chat.
- The NHS help for young carers guide offers information and advice.