May 2021

Buggy Walk at Jubilee Park

Community events
Kingsbrook Children Centre, Canvin Way, Bedford, MK42 0HL
Monday 10th May, 2021 - 13:30 to 14:30

About this event

Buggy Walks are a session for you to meet other parents, have a lovely walk and get out with your child/ren. This will be a small group with two practitioners to support and offer advice and guidance if you need it.

Please note due to the small numbers we can currently accommodate families will only be able to book on one session per week. If you miss more than two sessions without informing us you will not be able to book for the remainder of the term - this is to ensure we are not running sessions with spaces due to high demand.

Families must be registered with ECP Children Centres and live in Bedford Borough. If you are not registered a member of the team will either contact you prior to the group or ask you to complete a registration form when you attend the centre.

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