About this event
Have you given birth or used maternity services at Bedford Hospital in the last year? Our Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee want to hear from you.
Following the CQC report about the Hospital’s maternity services, the Committee wants to hear about the experiences of people who have used them- good and bad. There will be a private online meeting on Monday 8 November at 6.30pm with the Committee to make it as easy as possible for people to take part.
There will be no attendees from the NHS, and this will be a safe space for people to contribute and share their views and experiences.
Contact details
If you are interested and would like to find out more, please email scrutiny@bedford.gov.uk by Tuesday 2 November. The limited places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you can’t make it but have experiences you would like to share, please send these to the same address and they will be shared anonymously with the Committee.