If you know family members, friends, or other carers in Bedford Borough with a SEND child? Bedford Borough Parent and Carer forum are asking to encourage them to become a member of BBPCF at www.bbpcf.co.uk!
A senior local pharmacist is urging people in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes to make sure they have ample supplies of key medication and medical supplies to stay well this winter.
A senior local doctor is reminding eligible residents to book in for the RSV vaccine. This is a new vaccination, available for the first time this year, to those who qualify.
The RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) vaccine is designed to protect against RSV, a common virus that can cause serious respiratory illnesses, especially in babies and older adults. Those eligible for the RSV vaccine include adults aged 75 to 79 and anyone who is pregnant (from 28 weeks onwards).