Financial assistance for workers with disability or health condition

East London Cost of Living Team bring information about financial assistance. For anyone with a disability or health condition, the cost of essential support to be able to work, such as special equipment, taxis, adaptations, or an assistance person, can make it financially very challenging to stay in paid work or even consider applying for work.
Support options
- Grant to pay for practical support to enable to you start work or stay in work. Can include support worker, travel buddy, British Sign Language interpreter, taxis, adaptations to your vehicle, specialist equipment, assistive software, or adaptations to your work area, dependant on your needs.
- Funding to pay for communication support at job interviews.
Mental health counselling provision to support starting work or staying in work.
Eligibility criteria
- Mental or physical disability, can be long-term, or even short-term such as a broken leg.
- Have a paid working role or scheduled to start paid work. This could be full time, part-time, work placement, internship, work experience or apprenticeship, so long as it is paid
How to apply
- Full details, eligibility checker and application form at
Helpline: call 0800 121 7479, textphone 0800 121 7579, Relay UK 18001 + 0800 121 7479
Cost-saving tip: claim refunds online
Access to Work now has an online claim form at, so you can claim back expenses from your grant allocation by submitting online instead of by post.
Estimated cost-saving £35 per year based on monthly claims as no need to pay for the envelopes, stamps, printer ink and paper required for providing claim forms and expenses evidence by post.