Tommy's Planning for Pregnancy Tool
Tommy's Charity have created a "Planning for Pregnancy Tool" for women who are planning a pregnancy that will tell you all you need to know about how to improve the health of your future pregnancy and child/ren.
They also have information on Planning a pregnancy with a mental health condition?
Specialist Support Helpline
Are you a Black or Black Mixed-Heritage pregnant woman or birthing person living in the UK? Would you like specialist support from a Tommy’s Midwife during your pregnancy? Book a 1:1 call now.
Stopping Smoking
If you smoke, quitting is one of the first steps you can take towards having a healthy pregnancy.
Most mums know that smoking whilst pregnant isn’t good for them or their baby – but that doesn’t make it easier to quit. And pregnancy can be a stressful time, especially with everyone giving you different advice.
Smokfree Bedfordshire can help you.
Call 0800 013 0553
Planning for Pregnancy with Diabetes
Important information for women with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Useful Links
The website of the Family Planning Association – all you ever wanted to know about contraceptive methods, plus an easy-to-use tool to find the best contraceptive methods for you.
Good section on pregnancy in the
“Living with diabetes” section, on contraception in the “teenagers” section, and giving up smoking advice. Lots of information, video clips and other women’s stories.
Information on the benefits of folic acid and the Before You Frolic, Go Folic! Campaign.
Pre-conception counselling and mental health support
via NHS talking therapies is available. Please speak with your GP, community pharmacist or diabetes team for more information and how you can refer to this service.
The BLMK ICS aims to ensure optimum health of women and other people who are thinking about starting a family, prior to pregnancy, by providing pre-pregnancy education, advice and support in the community.
Your feedback will help to ensure the appropriate pre-pregnancy health advice and information is being offered to women and other people who are thinking about starting a family to better meet their expectations.
What is Grow 2.0?
To monitor the growth of your baby, Bedfordshire NHS Hospital Trust use a software programme called GROW 2.0
to produce a growth chart customised to your pregnancy. To do this, the hospital will
record details you provide about yourself, your medical history and previous
pregnancies. this will then be entered, and shared with you any results of examinations and scans to
check on progress and make sure your baby is growing well.