Healthwatch Bedford Borough Listening Survey Report
Healthwatch Bedford Borough is the local, independent voice for the public in health and social care services. One of the ways that we fulfil our role is to carry out focused projects each year and develop our annual workplan based upon public priorities.

We gathered feedback from the people of Bedford Borough about their thoughts on what Healthwatch Bedford Borough’s work priorities for the year ahead should be. We created a survey that was made available online, as well as carrying out 9 listening events at the following:
- Harpur Shopping Centre
- Multiple sessions at Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Bedford Sixth Form College
- Quaker Meeting House
- St Andrews Church
- Sri Guru Ravidass Sabha (SGRS Temple)
The survey results were then analysed to provide soft statistics and open-text comments have been analysed using thematic analysis to provide common themes.
Healthwatch Bedford Borough Listening Survey Report