November 2020

Improving relationships between schools and families of children with SEND - free session

Community events
Wednesday 18th November, 2020 - 10:00

About this event

Does your child with SEND attend mainstream school or do you work in a mainstream school with children who have SEND?

We have invited the Whole School SEND Team to join us in delivering a session to you about how Whole School SEND works. They bring together schools, organisations and individuals who are committed to ensuring that every child and young person with SEND can maximise their potential. 

On occasion, relationships between families and schools are not as successful as they need to be. By building trust this can change and a new way of working together can be developed. This session is open to parent carers and also to any school staff and is free of charge, please just follow the link below to book your place.

Please join us to hear some ideas of how you can improve relationships with your child's school. This will be an online session.

Contact details

Book your place by emailing: communications@bbpcf.org.uk

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