Become a member of Bedford Borough's Parent Carer Forum!

If you know family members, friends, or other carers in Bedford Borough with a SEND child? Bedford Borough Parent and Carer forum are asking to encourage them to become a member of BBPCF at!

Together, we can make even more of a difference.

Why Join BBPCF?

🔹 Amplify Your Voice – Influence local policies and services that matter to your loved ones.

🔹 Access Support & Resources – Connect with others who understand the journey, and gain access to helpful tools and information.

🔹 Shape Change – Be part of a dedicated community working to make positive changes for all SEND children in Bedford Borough.

Joining is free and only takes a moment – every new member makes our collective voice stronger! Together, BBCPF can ensure all children and young people with SEND receive the care, opportunities, and respect they deserve.

Become a member 

For more information on Bedford Borough Patient Carer Forum visit